Our path follows company’s needs and Society expectations.
Over 20 years we have been actor and observer. We present the important milestones of our activity, which reflect the evolution of Social Responsibility.
90’s – First steps
Raising awareness of sustainable development issues
Sair da Casca creation
- Sair da Casca wins the ILE Prize, an Innovative Company awarded by the European Union
1995 > 2000
Responsible industry
- Sair da Casca develops the “Food Safety: Responsible Industry, Conscious Consumer” campaign for the Federation of Portuguese Agro-Food Industries (FIPA), a project to raise the awareness of the sector’s employees on hygiene and safety issues. 80.000 people were trained within six months.
Food education awarded by FAO
- The food education project for the general public – “Food and Health Program” of the Portuguese Sugar Refineries Association (ARAP) – selected by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as one of the world’s leading education projects for Health, in the context of a partnership with the business sector.
Sair da Casca Journal
- Sair da Casca publishes the “Jornal Sair da Casca”, a free newspaper (sponsored by our clients) for 100,000 1st Cycle students and their teachers.
Code of Good Communication Practices in the school environment
- Sair da Casca creates the first code of good communication practices in the school environment in Portugal.
From isolated practices to consolidation, the reporting boom, companies "come out of the shell" and structure their relationship to their stakeholders
2001 > 2009
Best website of the year in 2003
- The first Portuguese website on social responsibility, distinguished by the Portuguese Association of Corporate Communications with the award “Best site of the year 2003”.
First workshops for employees
- Launch of the workshop for Portuguese managers on social responsibility and sustainable development, in partnership with BCSD Portugal. First workshops on reporting.
Sustainable Marketing Award
- Sair da Casca wins the “Sustainable Marketing” award from the Portuguese Association of Marketing Professionals (APPM) for the study on “Perceiving Social Responsibility in Portugal”.
Partnerships with the European Commission, EQUAL, Leonardo Da Vinci
- Sair da Casca becomes the partner of the European Commission for the EQUAL project.
More than 150 entities involved in the dialogue with the agricultural industry on healthy styles
- The Development for FIPA, under the project “Vitality XXI – The Food Industry for a Healthy Life”, of the study “The Food Industry and Healthy Lifestyles”. It was an unprecedented study in Portugal and in Europe, as it was the first extensive consultation of the sector among its stakeholders, including the collection of all good practices in the sector.
Stakeholder engagement mobilizes companies
- Creation of a methodology for the integration of sustainability through the engagement of internal stakeholders, applied in particular to EDP, Sociedade Central e de Cervejas and the Caixa Seguros Group.
Prestigious prize for educative project EDP / Sair da Casca
- “EDP – Environment is Everyone’s” Project nominated by the prestigious Energy Globe Awards as one of the three best educational projects worldwide.
Transparency is the theme – first accountability rating Portugal
- First edition of Accountability Rating Portugal to assess corporate transparency in partnership with AccountAbility and EXAME.
Sector specialization: transport, financial sector
- Development of strategic projects for Luís Simões Group, ANA – Airports of Portugal, APRAM – Administration of the Ports of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, APL – Port of Lisbon, Transtejo / Soflusa and NAV Portugal – Portuguese Air Navigation. In the financial sector: BANIF, BES, CGD, Grupo Fidelidade, MAPFRE.
- First carbon footprint rating of the bank sector.
Responsible communication first study
- Study on the state of the art of Responsible Communication with the publication of the first Eco-Communication Guide in Portugal.
2010 > 2017
Ten years later: the emergence of social innovation and circular economy, the theme of measurement and impact assessment
Nobel peace prize Muhammad Yunus in Portugal invited by Sair da Casca
- Meeting with Prof. Muhammad Yunus, winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, on the theme of social business.
International conference "Business and Poverty"
- The role of companies in combating poverty was the subject of research carried out by Sair da Casca and associated with the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. The meeting in which the study was presented had the High Sponsorship of the Presidency of the Republic.
Social impact - first approach with BCSD Portugal
- Sair da Casca is the consultant chosen by BCSD Portugal for the Development Focus Area Reference Group – GRAFD.
Social business - launching Action Tank Portugal
- The launch of Action Tank with BCSD Portugal to leverage social and inclusive business in Portugal.
Impact investment - creation of Finance for Social Impact
- Launch of Finance For Social Impact, dedicated to financing social projects, and maximizing their impact.
- Study on social investment in Portugal, France and the United Kingdom.
- Sair da Casca takes its first steps in Mozambique thanks to the establishment of a partnership with SDO Mozambique. Projects in Angola.
Monitoring sustainability
- Sair da Casca is a partner of Novabase in the design and implementation of a tool developed by Novabase that will support organizations in the collection, management and monitoring of their performance in sustainability.
Social entrepreneurship
- Nathalie Ballan integrates Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship, a network of entrepreneurs and social leaders with interests in change and intercultural dialogues.
Smark launch, Sair da Casca exclusive tool to measure the company's contribution to society
- SMARK allows the evaluation of the local contribution of a company to society.
Solidarity with refugees - accession to the refugee support platform
- Sair da Casca joins to the Refugee Support Platform – PAR.
Circular economy - models and reflection
- Sair da Casca develops workshops for its clients.
Global Compact membership
- Sair da Casca joined Global Compact, the largest global corporate initiative dedicated to sustainability.
Integration of the corporate bodies of the new direction of the APCE
- Sair da Casca joined the governing bodies of the new direction of APCE – “Building APCE of the future” – in july 2017.
Sair da Casca joined GRACE campaign to promote IRS assignement
- Sair da Casca joined GRACE campaign to promote IRS assignement to social economy organizations.
Faz-te ao Futuro with Garantia Jovem
- An unprecedented initiative coordenated by IEFP and supporte by the European Commision dedicated to accelerating access to young people to Garantia Jovem. Sair da Casca is responsible for the communication and engagement campaign Faz-te ao Futuro.
Ideias Cruzadas an event with GRACE, JWT and Sair da Casca - partnerships for social impact
- Sair da Casca joined GRACE and JWT in implementing Ideias Cruzadas – partnerships for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, dedicated to presenting innovative social economy projects that seek partnerships with impact.